
Click on any title in this alphabetical list to take you to the book.



Black Orchid Code

Bright Star

Calabash Cat


Dog of the Sea Waves

Don't Touch My Hat

From the Good Mountain

Island below the Star


Mango Rain

Margaret Cat Magnet

Nine Animals and the Well


Seeker of Knowledge


Silent Music

There's a Monster in the Alphabet

Tiger and Turtle

Tutu's Quilt

When Silver Needles Swam

You Can Write Hieroglyphs


Click on each book cover to find out more.The most recent books are displayed first.

Mango Rain cover 2016 Kahalaopuna cover 2016Island below the Star 2016From the Good Mountain cover color

Bright Star coverMargaret Cat MagnetcoverYou Can Write Hieroglyphs coverBlack Orchid Code coverScrapbook coverFrom the Good Mountain Guide coverFrom the Good Mountain coverBeo-bunny coverTiger and Turtle coverRain School coverDon't Touch My Hat coverSilent Music coverChee-Lin coverBeowulf coverMango Rain coverSequoyah coverDog of the Sea Waves coverThere a Monster in the Alphabet coverNine Animal and the Well coverCalabash Cat coverKahalaopuna coverTraveling Man CoverSeeker of Knowledge coverTutu's quilt coverIsland below the Star coverCloudmakers cover











Click on any number in this subject list to take you to the book.

Afghanistan 1

Africa 1 2 3 4

Alphabets 1 2 3 4

Amerindians 1

Anglo-Saxon (Beowulf) 1 2

Animals 1 2 3 4

Arabic 1 2

Battuta (ibn) 1

Beowulf 1

Cats 1 2

Chad 1 2 3

Champollion 1

Cherokee 1

China 1 2

Cowboys 1

Egypt (Ancient) 1 2

Fables & Fantasy 1 2 3 4 5

Giraffes 1

Greece (Ancient) 1

Gutenberg 1, 2

Hawai‘i 1 2 3 4

Hieroglyphs 1 2

India 1

Iraq 1

Middle East 1 2

Morocco 1

Myths 1 2

Navigation 1

Njoya 1

Numbers 1

Old English 1 2

Paper Making 1

Printing 1 2

Quilting 1

Seals 1

Sequoyah 1

Traveling 1 2

U.S.A. 1 2